Tuesday 5 February 2013

Introduction to blog - American Culture as Power

So because this thing does not allow me to put it in the top slot for the description (how rude to tell me only 500 max characters smh*), I'm placing these words in first post. My trial and error for the day - I'm new to this blog world. I decided to go a different route and turn out my usual pen and paper for a more encompassing medium: the internet. It's great! plus it's useful for the things i'd like to reveal and use in this blog in my analysis of the subject. This gives me a little freedom to do what I wish and it's different from the assignment norm. The internet itself is an expression of their authority of culture in the Western world. When you place this instrument  for the world and call it a global village and everyone feels they are entitled to show their faces on surface of the world for everyone to see - they have opened up a totally new realm of life for us to live; (but this is another story, so moving on)

Sooo I hope this allows me to be interesting and provide some chatter about the excitement of American culture. I'll explore American power through it's popular culture by pointing references to it's use of media and show how in the everyday uses of it's entertainment, America has either influenced or simply set some newly infectious ideas for the rest of the world to latch on. America's power is then defined by the force of it's concepts and visions, how it portrays itself as the mecca, the creator of novel beliefs and how it maintains itself as leader of the western world. But let's see how great America really is. I have to say though, that America does have a knack for keeping themselves as "The GREAT". 

YAY let's begin! I'll keep you posted

- Danielle G.

smh* - *shake my head*

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