Tuesday 12 March 2013

American lifestyle: Glitz and Glamour

For years, I've been in love with Lady Gaga's song The Fame. I find it ridiculously truthful to the world of Hollywood and she sings it with such a fun passion dedicated to a life of glitz and glamour. Below are the lyrics. Read carefully and possibly sing along if you feel so inclined towards your artistic sense.

Verse 1
I can't help myself I'm addicted to a life of material
It's some kind of joke, I'm obsessively opposed to the typical
All we care about is, runway models, cadillacs and liquor bottles
Give me something I wanna be, retro glamour, Hollywood yes we live for the

Doin' it for the
Cuz we wanna live the life of the rich and famous
Doin' it for the
Cuz we gotta taste for champagne and endless fortune

Fame fame baby
The fame fame
We live for the fame fame baby
The fame fame
Isn't it a shame shame baby
A shame shame
In it for the fame fame baby
The fame fame

Verse 1
I can see myself in the movies with my picture in the city lights
Photograph my mind and whatever else you'd like to shoot you decide
All we care about is, pornographic girls on film and body plastic
Give me something, I wanna see television and hot blondes in odd positions


Don't ask me how or why
But I'm gonna make it happen this time
My teenage dream tonight
Yeah I'm gonna make it happen this time

Chorus (2x)

I think the song is pretty explanatory so I don't think I need to say so much. But I'd just like to point out that honestly, Lady Gaga is right; either we as consumers/watchers of the Hollywood life or actual celebrities completely consumed by the life, this is what we live for (at least some of us, if you personally want to exclude yourself from this lifestyle). The life of the rich and famous is exhilarating and exciting. Fountains of liquor, hangars of cars and other objects of excessive wealth; Even the porn is what we live for. We stare at our TV or computer screens each day watching the daily routines and scandals of big-shot Hollywood names. No matter how decadent the life seems to be, exemplified by the E-news, deep down, we sometimes wish we had some of that excitement in our lives - that we can travel the world (despite getting drunk and hungover in every country or meet a new guy in every city). I especially like the line that says: "I'm obsessively opposed to the typical" - Being normal is boring but having your name in city lights and living the life of a carefree wild girl might not be the wisest decision in life, but it sure sounds very amazing.

Hollywood and American popular culture definitely glamourizes life so much that the lives on the TV screen and reality are blurred. Celebrities live their fantasies everyday, something I'm sure we as 'normal people' once dreamt of. I think Hollywood has succeeded in prostrating humans at the edge of scene stages. Hollywood holds our dreams and beckons us to catch them at the beginning of their banks of fake representations and re-presentations of life. It whipped us into a mob of salivating fools for the lives portrayed on the big-screen and we rush to make it a reality. Isn't it a shame?...

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